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IT/IP, media and telecommunications

IT/IP, media and telecommunications

Grubner & Partners provides consultancy to providers, suppliers and customers of information technology, in particular, it provides its clients with advice and assistance in registration, transfer and protection of Internet domains, representation in the acquisition of telecommunication licenses and permits from the relevant government authorities and any other legal assistance in the area of computer technology, Internet law and ICT. Legal services in the field of IT lie not only in the preparation of contracts and consultancy in conducting trade negotiations, but also in handling potential litigations.

In this area, we provide our clients particularly with the following services:

  • Consultancy and negotiations concerning contracts in the field of provision and development of software, particularly concerning licensing agreements, contracts for the provision of software and its lease;
  • Consultations and preparations of all IT contract documentation including the negotiation;
  • Consultancy in the field of web hosting, websites and domain disputes, protection of personal data;
  • Arrangement of all licenses and permits;
  • Representation of clients at courts and telecommunication institutions.